06 Starting and driving
Starting the car
Ignition switch and steering lock
0 – Locked position
The steering wheel locks
when the ignition key is re-
I – Radio position
Certain electrical compo-
nents can be switched on.
The engine’s electrical sys-
tem is not activated.
II – Driving position
The key position when driv-
ing. The car’s entire electri-
cal system is connected.
III – Start position
Starter motor. The starter
motor is connected. Re-
lease the key once the en-
gine has started. The key
automatically springs back
to the driving position. If the
key is hard to turn, the front wheels may be
turned in such a way that there is tension in
the steering wheel lock. In which case, turn
the wheel back and forth to make it easier to
turn the key.
Ensuring that the steering wheel is locked
when you leave the car minimises the risk of
Speed related power steering
If the car is equipped with speed related
power steering this means that it is easier to
steer at low speeds, which in turn facilitates
parking etc.
As speed is increased the steering force is
adapted to give the driver enhanced