
1993 Volvo 940
forlding rear seat; increasing the cargo space
The rear head restraints can be raised by pulling straight up or lowered by grasping the restraint, pulling
it slightly forward and pushing down.
pg. 2:13 forlding rear seat (wagon)
Seat cushion strap
The rear seat is split 60/40 so that each section can be forlded independently.
Straighten front backrests if they are tilted too far to the rear.
Pull the strap to lift the seat cushion and swing the cushion up and toward the back of the front seats.
Move the backrest release lever rearward and forld the backrest down.
file:///K|/ownersdocs/1993/1993_940/93940_2_11.html (4 of 10)12/30/2006 9:44:24 AM