
1993 Volvo 940
This feature works on both wavebands, but if you change waveband and use the autostore function on
this new waveband, the autostored stations on the previous waveband will be cancelled. The antenna
must be fully extended when using this function.
1. Depress and hold the "aut"button for at least 1 second. The indicator lamp is lit. A number of strong
stations (maximum six) on the chosen waveband are now automatically stored in the memory. The
lowest frequency is heard. If there are no audible stations, "no" is displayed.
2. Press the "aut" button to obtain another autostored station. A new station will be selected each time
the "aut" button is pressed.
pg. 1:22 Radio (cont.)
Balance control
Depress the control knob and turn clockwise/counter-clockwise to adjust right/left speaker balance. A
"detent" indicates the "equalized" left/right balance position.
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