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2. The “Get Images from device” window opens.
3. You can select to download photos, videos or both.
4. Select your camera (removable disk) from the device window. If your camera is the only
USB device connected then it will be selected automatically.
5. Select a location on the computer where to place the new photo and video files.
6. Add the new photo and video files to albums if desired.
7. Select to remove the media files from the selected device (removable disk) after the
8. Click the “Get Media” button to transfer the photos and videos from your camera to your
9. A media download progress bar appears on the bottom left showing the number of
media files downloading to your computer. A message appears when the download is
10. The photo and video files that you selected are now downloaded to your computer to
the selected folder and albums ready for your use.
Getting Started!
Using the Vivitar Experience Image Manager, you can:
Upload and manage photos and videos to and from the most popular photo sharing and
social networking sites - Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, MySpace, Photobucket, Twitpic,
Twitgoo and YouTube
Seamlessly transfer photos and videos from one social network to another
Organize your images by creating offline and online albums
Edit images using automatic and manual tools
Use automatic “Geotagging” with built in Google Maps
For more details on how to use the Vivitar Experience Image Manager open the „Help
guide‟ from the Help menu or click the “Take a Tour” button on the application‟s Home