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5. The photo resolution setting can be changed at any time.
6. The amount of pictures that can be taken at the selected resolution appears on the LCD
7. As there are only 2 digits on the screen, the camera will flash the hundreds digits before
showing the tens and units digits on capturing a picture in order to show you how many
pictures you can continue to take at that resolution.
Compression Mode /
Your camera gives you an additional mode to compress your images so that you can capture
more pictures.
There are 2 photo compressions to select from:
Non-Compressed - and Compressed -
By default your camera is in non- Compressed mode. If you are in the non-Compressed
mode the opposite mode icon will appear on the LCD. This means that you are in the
1. Press the MODE button until the or icon appears on the LCD screen.
2. If the LCD displays , this means the image is in compressed mode and in order
to change to no compression click the Shutter button.
3. If the LCD displays , this means the present compression is no compression and
in order to change to compression mode click the Shutter button.
4. All photos taken after changing compression will be at the new compression.
5. The compression setting can be changed at any time.
6. The amount of pictures that can be taken at the selected compression appears on the
LCD screen.
7. As there are only 2 digits on the screen, the camera will flash the hundreds digits before
showing the tens and units digits on capturing a picture in order to show you how many
pictures you can continue to take at that resolution.