Lesson 1: Learning the Victor 900 Calculator
Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
Lesson 1: Learning the Victor 900 Calculator
Overview Familiarize students with the calculator.
Teacher Materials “Learning the Victor 900 Calculator” transparency, red
transparency markers.
Student Materials Pencil, red crayons, “Victor 900 Calculator”
worksheet, calculator
Key Introduced .ON/AC.
Teaching Notes Distribute the calculators.
Use the transparency to discuss the keys and display
of the Victor 900. Ask students to follow along on
their worksheet. The .ON/AC. key (1) turns the
calculator on and clears the display. Write “ON/AC”
on the appropriate key and ask the students to do the
same. Press the .ON/AC. key to turn the calculator
Show the students the location of the display (2). Ask
what is showing in the display. Write a zero and a
decimal point in the display. Ask the students to do
the same.
Ask students to write the numbers on the number
keys (3) as you do the same. Press a number key to
show how the number shows on the display.
Ask students to write the math operations (÷, X, -, +)
on the math operation keys (4).