Lesson 5: Repetitive Subtraction and Addition
Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
Lesson 5: Repetitive Subtraction and Addition
Overview Use the calculator to subtract or add repetitive
numbers using the constant function.
Teacher Materials “Repetitive Subtraction and Addition” and “Fastest
Fingers” transparencies.
Student Materials Pencil, Calculator, and “Constant Calculations”
Keys Introduced Constant function using the =. Key.
Teaching Notes Ask your students to enter 10 on the calculator and
add 10 to the total every time you snap your fingers.
Snap your fingers 4 times and compare the answers
from several students (the answer should be 50).
Tell the students how the calculator stores the last
command and number entered. This is called the
constant function. The constant function helps reduce
mistakes and save time when you must subtract, add,
divide, or multiply the same number many times.
Ask your students to again enter 10 on the calculator
and add 10 every time you snap your fingers. Snap
your fingers 4 times and compare the answers.
Note: The constant is removed from memory when
the ON/AC button is pushed.
Use the “Fastest Fingers” transparency to play a fun
game that reinforces the constant function.
Use the “Constant Calculations” worksheet for