030-300536 Rev. A 50 August 2007
User GuideVersaLink Wireless Gatewa
Model 7500
12.1 My Gateway Panel
In the home page, the My Modem panel allows you to view details about your Router’s connections and to access
the connection settings in your Router. A green check mark displayed in the Modem Status check box signals you
to Go! You can now browse the Internet. The Quick Links section allows you to quickly access Help information
related to your Router and information on your Router’s configurable settings. The following details are displayed in
the My Modem panel.
My Modem
Internet Status This field displays status of your Internet connection. Click this link to set up new
account profiles, edit existing account profiles, and connect to or disconnect from
Verizon. Additional details about your Router’s broadband connection can be found
in section 9.2, “Setting Up an Account Profile,” of this User Guide.
DSL Link This field allows you to view the status of your DSL connection.
Speed (Down/Up) This field displays the transmission rates (in Kbits/sec) of your DSL signal. Down is
the rate at which data is transmitted downstream (from the Internet to your computer).
Up is the rate at which data is transmitted upstream (from your computer to the
Connection Type This field displays the protocol used for your Internet connection, provided by
Username This field displays the username that you used to connect to Verizon. The username
and password are provided by Verizon.
Internet IP Address This is a WAN IP address that has been assigned to your Router by Verizon. You will
receive the WAN IP address only after your Router has established an Internet
connection with Verizon. (The LAN IP address of your Router is “”
which is assigned to your Router by factory default.)
Change Wireless Settings Click this link to change the Router’s wireless settings.
Change Login User Name
& Password
Click this link to change the administrator user name and password.
Enable Applications
(games, webcams, IM, etc.)
Click this link to set up a service profile and attach VPN, Gaming, or other NAT
services to the profile.
Verizon Help Click this link to access Verizon’s Online Help where you can obtain detailed
information about your Router.
12.2 My Network Panel
In the home page, the My Network panel allows you to view information about devices that are connected to your
network. If your network provides access to shared files, you can access the files by clicking the Access Shared
Files link. The following details are displayed in the My Network panel.
My Network
Computer Name The ASCII (text) name of the device connected network
Connection Type The physical connection used to interface with your Router.
IP Address The IP address assigned to your computer by your Router’s DHCP server.
Access Shared Files Click this link to access shared files from a device on your local network. (The device
must have file sharing enabled.) Note: If the device has a firewall turned on, you will
not be able to access shared file from the device.