030-300536 Rev. A 179 August 2007
User GuideVersaLink Wireless Gatewa
Model 7500
For your convenience, VersaLink supports protocols for Applications, Games, and VPN-specific programs. The
following chart provides port/protocol information for the supported services.
NOTE: To configure the Router for a service or application, follow the steps in section 15.3.3, “Configuring Port
Forwarding Services,” of this User Guide.
Applications/Games/VPN Support
Application/Game Port/Protocol
Aliens vs. Predator 80 UDP, 2300 UDP, 8000-8999 UDP
Age of Empires II: The
6073 UDP, 47624 TCP, 2300-2400 TCP/UDP
This service will open up ports for both traffic directions.
Americas Army TCP – 20045
UDP – 1716 to 1718, 8777, 27900
America Online 5190 TCP/UDP
Anarchy Online TCP/UDP – 7012,7013, 7500 -7505
AOL Instant Messenger 4099 TCP, 5190 TCP
Asheron's Call 9000-9013 UDP, 28800-29000 TCP
Battlecom 2300-2400 TCP/UDP, 47624 TCP/UDP
Battlefield 1942 UDP - 14567, 22000, 23000 to 23009, 27900, 28900
Black and White 2611-2612 TCP, 6667 TCP, 6500 UDP, 27900 UDP
Blizzard Battle.net (Diablo II) 4000 TCP, 6112 TCP/UDP
Buddy Phone 700, 701 UDP
Bungie.net, Myth, Myth II Server 3453 TCP
Calista IP Phone 3000 UDP, 5190 TCP
Citrix Metaframe 1494 TCP
Client POP/IMAP 110 TCP
Client SMTP 25 TCP
Counter Strike 27015 TCP/UDP, 27016 TCP/UDP
Dark Reign 2 26214 TCP/UDP
Delta Force ( Client and Server ) 3568 UDP, 3100-3999 TCP/UDP
Delta Force 2 3568-3569 UDP
DeltaForce: Land Warrior UDP 53
TCP 21
TCP 7430
TCP 80
UDP 1029
UDP 1144
UDP 65436
UDP 17478
Elite Force 2600 UDP, 27500 UDP, 27910 UDP, 27960 UDP
Everquest 1024-7000 TCP/UDP
F-16, Mig 29 3863 UDP
F-22 Lightning 3 4660-4670 TCP/UDP, 3875 UDP, 4533-4534 UDP, 4660-4670 UDP
F-22 Raptor 3874-3875 UDP
Fighter Ace II 50000-50100 TCP/UDP
Fighter Ace II for DX play 50000-50100 TCP/UDP, 47624 TCP, 2300-2400 TCP/UDP
FTP 20 TCP, 21 TCP