ArcSoft PhotoPrinter® 2000 Picture Printing Software
ArcSoft PhotoPrinter® is an easy-to-use printing utility that enables the user to layout and print multiple
images in different sizes quickly and easily on a single sheet of paper. The program offers a large selection
of printing templates, including Kodak Digital Science Inkjet Photo Paper Templates and Avery-brand paper
products. It also includes commonly used image-editing tools and a wide selection of templates for frames,
edges and backgrounds for enhancing images.
For further help on how to use ArcSoft PhotoPrinter™ 2000, click the “?” on the top right hand corner to
access the Help Topics.
Visit http://www.arcsoft.com for all your FAQ’s, tips and technical support.
ArcSoft VideoImpression™ 1.6 Movie Making Software
ArcSoft VideoImpression™ is an easy-to-use video and image editing software program. The program
enables users to create and edit new videos using existing video and image files - making desktop video
presentations for home, business, and the Web.
Microsoft® NetMeeting™ Web Cam software
NetMeeting™ provides the most complete conferencing solution for the Internet and corporate intranet.
Powerful features let you communicate with both audio and video, collaborate on virtually any Windows-
based application, exchange graphics on an electronic whiteboard, transfer files, use the text-based chat
program, and much more. Using your PC and the Internet, you can now hold face-to-face conversations
with friends and family around the world.
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader .PDF File Reading Software
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document format (PDF) files on all major
computer platforms, as well as fill in and submit Adobe PDF forms online.
• Computer System Requirements
For acceptable picture transfer and editing, we recommend the following minimum requirements;
For Windows® Users
• Compatible with Microsoft® Windows® 98SE, Me, 2000 or XP
• Pentium® II 333MHz or equivalent processor
• 64MB RAM (128MB recommended)
• USB Port
• 200MB free disk space
• Color monitor with high color (16-bit) graphic capability or higher
• CD-ROM drive
• Standard mouse and keyboard
• Stereo speakers
For Macintosh® Users
• PowerPC® Processor
• Mac™ OS 9.2 ~ X
• USB Port
• 64MB RAM (128MB recommended)
• 150MB Free disk space
• Color monitor with high color (16-bit) graphic capability or higher
• CD-ROM drive
• Standard mouse and keyboard
• Stereo speakers