• Setting Exposure Compensation
You can adjust the exposure compensation value (EV) within the range from -3EV to +3EV in order to
compensate for current lighting conditions. This setting can be used to obtain better result when shooting
with backlighting, indirect indoor light and a dark background, etc.
Turn on the camera. Set the Capture/Playback selector to Capture mode.
Press to select
Press Press
Press to select item
Select “EXIT” to exit
• A higher EV value is best used for dark-colored subjects and backlit subjects. A lower EV value is best for light-colored
subjects and for shooting outdoors on a clear day.
• When shooting under very dark or very bright conditions, you may not be able to obtain satisfactory results even after
performing exposure compensation.
• Exposure compensation returns to its standard default setting “0” after you turn off and turn on the camera again.
• Setting White Balance
Selecting the right type of white balance can help to make the colors of a subject appear more natural under
the type of lighting that is available.
Turn on the camera. Set the Capture/Playback selector to Capture mode.
Press to select
Press Press
Press to select item
Select “EXIT” to exit
White balance returns to its default setting (AUTOMATIC) after you turn off the camera and turn it on again.