
332 Index
viewing message headers 213
email accounts
accessing 200
changing 207
creating multiple 202
deleting 207
reordering 216
setting preferences for 206–207
setting up 201–205
specifying as default 216
troubleshooting 275, 277–278
email addresses
changing 180
entering 206, 208
saving 212
Email application 200–217
Account view 216
authentication 204, 278
Change Login Settings option 207
Clear flag command 213
Default Account option 216
Default Folders option 207
Get email option 207
inbox 200, 216, 278
Mark as read/unread command 213
Move to folder command 213
Play sound option 206
Remove Email Account option 207
Reply-to address option 206
Set flag command 213
Show email option 207
Show notification option 206
Sync deleted emails option 207
email folders 214, 215
email service providers 201, 277, 278
emergency phone numbers 87
ESMTP authentication 278
EVDO data services 279
Event Notes option 149
Event Reminder option 154
adding alarms to 149, 154
adding to calendar 144, 147–148
creating untimed 149
deleting 151
displaying 150
entering location for 148
responding to reminders for 152
saving 148
scheduling repeating 148
synchronizing 145, 155
Excel files 166, 169–171
Exchange Act
iveSync accounts
setting up 203–204
troubleshooting 275
Exchange servers
searching over 87
synchronizing with 275, 276
troubleshooting 276
extensions (phone calls) 102
Facebook accounts 112, 132, 147
factory-installed applications 323, 324
favorites 215
features 9, 11