Section 2E: Your Personal Information Organizer 153
ⅷ Contact meeting attendees: This opens an email message with the participants’
addresses added to the To field. The default message text is “Running late, on my way...”—
you can edit the text before sending the message.
ⅷ Dismiss
ⅷ Snooze: The reminder reappears in five minutes.
View Meeting Participants
If you receive a meeting request, you can view the participants.
1. On your calendar, tap the meeting request. (The Participants field shows the organizer
name plus the number of participants.)
2. Tap the number to see the participants' names.
3. (Optional) Tap a participant’s name. (If the participant is a contact, the contact entry is
displayed. If the participant is not a contact, tap Add to Contacts to add the participant to
your contacts list.)
Customize Calendar
1. Open Calendar .
2. Open the application menu
and tap Preferences & Accounts.