
6) Then, the screen will display:
V2.1 COM2 Address: ESC=1 NAK=3 PARA=9600,1,8,NONE
0.Send 1.Poll A.Stop B.BarT C.ComT D.DIR E.Del F.ExeSize
f.Font G.Memory H.Reset I.ExFile J.Exist K.Keypad k.Kermit L.Dnload
M.Time N.Buzzer O.Auto P.Passwd Q.UplMode
R.TrmID T.TrmT U.Upload
V.DEV_T X.Exec 3.brk 5.ChgAdr 9.Loop @.Modem ?.320 ~.UPS off
F1.Addr F2.Comm_P
F3.Retry F4.Disp. F5.Shell F6.Pkt size :
Item 0). Send a string of characters as message to MR350MKII.
1). Polling data from each terminals.
A). Warm start means putting all connected terminals to ready
mode, previously running program is stopped.
B). Set enable/disable the barcode symbologies
C). Set communication control table.
D). Remote read the files existed on MR350MKII ram disk.
E). Remote delete a specified file which existed on ram disk.
F). Change RAM size of executable area (Not available on
f). Change font size. (Not available on MR350MKII)
G). Get all connected terminals current total RAM size,
execution area size, and free size.
H). Cold start means initializing the system parameters of
all connected terminals to factory default values.
I). Get filename of current running program.
J). Check if specified file existed or not.
K). Set keypad Lock / Unlock / Partial lock. (Not available on
k). Enter Kermit server mode (Not available on MR350MKII)
L). Download a program or data file to MR350MKII.
M). Set connected terminals date and time.