
Displays all of the files which are stored in the MR350MKII
( Program as well as data file)
? MS-Kermit>REMOTE DEL <file name>
Deletes a program or data file in the MR350MKII.
Step 7. Press [SHIFT] in conjunction with [F5/*] on MR350MKII to exit
from Kermit server mode to Ready mode.
Step 8. Select option 1) RUNin user command menu and press [F7/?] key
to step through the available downloaded executable object program,
then press [E] to confirm for choosing 350TEST.EXE to run, or,
type the filename (i.e. 350TEST) directly under system Ready
prompt. This program allows you to scan barcode data and send data
from the MR350MKII to the PC.
1.9. Download Program in Multi-point mode
A sample program, 485COM.EXE, in the UTILITY disk is for multi-point
mode environment testing. Please note in multi-point mode each terminal
should be assigned a unique address ID and consistent communication
parameters with the PC.
NOTE: Following instructions use Host port to serve multi-point mode.
1) If Host port is RS232, directly connect to RS232 port between PC and
2) If Host port is RS485. Install an RS-485 interface card or an RS232/422
converter to the PC. And cabling the network trunk from RS485
interface to MR350MKII via RS485 port (note a twist-pair cable with 22
or 24 AWG should be used).
3) Set communication parameters including address ID on each
MR350MKII properly. (The default values are, 9600 bps, non-parity, 8
data bits, 1 stop bit, address ID A)
4) Power up the PC and all terminals.
5) Run the test program, 485COM.EXE, on the PC.
CRT screen shall appear the following message:
Terminal type 1>350/360 2>700/870/860:
Typing 1for selecting MR350,
Typing 1for selecting COM1, 2for COM2.