Brooks Range - Conventional Detectors
PFS-A Heat detector Type A
PFS-B Heat detector Type B
PFS-C Heat detector Type C
PFS-D Heat detector Type D
PFS-P Photoelectric smoke detector
PFS-P MK II Photoelectric smoke detector
PFS-I Ionisation smoke detector
PFS-I MK II Ionisation smoke detector
Cerberus Range - Conventional Detectors
D01191A Beam
DL01191A Beam
The following range of detectors may be used with MAPNET Modules.
Simplex Range - Analog Addressable Sensors
4098-9701 High / Very High sensitivity Photoelectric smoke
4098-9716 Ionisation smoke
4098-9731 Type A / Type B Heat
4098-9781 Addressable LED Indicating base
4098-9782 Addressable LED Indicating base with Sounder
4098-9783 Addressable LED Indicating base with Relay
4098-9714/9714EA TrueAlarm Photoelectric smoke
4098-9717/9717EA TrueAlarm Ionization smoke
4098-9733/9733EA TrueAlarm Type A / Type B Heat
4098-9754/9754EA TrueAlarm Multi-Sensor Photo / Type A / Type B
4098-9789/9789EA TrueAlarm Addressable LED Indicating base
4098-9794/9794EA TrueAlarm Addressable LED Indicating base
with Sounder
4098-9795/9795EA TrueAlarm Addressable Multi-Sensor LED
Indicating base with Sounder
4098-9796/9796EA TrueAlarm Addressable Multi-Sensor LED
Indicating base
4098-9752/9752EA TrueAlarm Addressable Photoelectric Duct
4098-9755/9755EA TrueAlarm Addressable Photoelectric Duct
Continued on next page
List of Approved Devices, Continued