
This appendix identifies the programming that is required to comply with AS4428.
It does not provide equations or detail of programming. The separate 4100 Programming
Unit Manual tells how to use the PC-based 4100U Programmer.
Refer to the page number listed in this table for information on a specific topic.
Topic See Page #
Required Features
The following is a list of functions that must be programmed under custom control. Refer
to Fig 2-7. Functionality must comply with AS4428.1, and be as described in the
Operator’s manual LT0351.
Individual zone alarm indication, flashing until isolated, steady when isolated.
Common Zone Alarm indication, flashing when any zone in alarm is un-isolated,
steady when all zones in alarm are isolated.
Individual zone isolate pushbutton and indication.
Zone Alarm Test pushbutton and indication.
Zone Fault Test pushbutton and indication.
Warning System Isolate pushbutton and indication.
Ancillary Control Function and Isolate pushbutton and indication as required.
Weekly 1 hour battery test.
Fault indication after 8 hours of isolate.
The panel format is different to that on the programmer because the CPU card is fitted
on the rhs of the first expansion bay, and extra cards may be fitted to the left of it.
The US options for power supply and AVF are selected, not the Canadian ones.
Features that do not comply with AS4428 must not be enabled, e.g. Alarm cut-out
Features that are statutory in AS4428 must not be pass-code protected, e.g. zone
isolate, zone test (Fault and Alarm).
Appendix B
Programming Requirements
In this Chapter
Required Features