
Dimension and
Detail G
Positions - Front -
Rear - Right - Left
Side View - 100 through125 Side View - 150 through 400Front View - 100 through 400
Side View - 100 through 125 Side View - 150 through 400Front View - 100 through 400
Table DW-11 – High Efficiency Duct Furnace (in.) (mm)
GLND/ Input Gas Inlet Weight
GLPD MBh A B C D (Dia.) F Nat. LP lb. (kg)
010 100 17.875 15.5 17.125 4 23.875 ½½173
(454) (394) (435) (102) (606) (78)
012 125 20.625 18.25 19.875 4 25.625 ½½186
(524) (464) (505) (102) (651) (84)
015 150 20.625 18.25 19.875 4 26.625 ½½197
(524) (464) (505) (102) (676) (89)
017 175 23.375 21 22.625 4 29.375 ½½216
(594) (533) (575) (102) (746) (98)
020 200 26.125 23.75 25.375 5 32.125 ½½232
(664) (603) (645) (127) (816) (105)
022 225 28.875 26.5 28.125 5 34.875 ¾½ or ¾ 254
(733) (673) (714) (127) (886) (115)
025 250 31.625 29.25 30.875 5 37.625 ¾½ or ¾ 263
(803) (743) (784) (127) (956) (119)
030 300 37.125 34.75 36.375 6 43.125 ¾½ or ¾ 312
(943) (883) (924) (152) (1095) (142)
035 350 42.625 40.25 41.875 6 48.625 ¾½ or ¾ 389
(1083) (1022) (1064) (152) (1235) (176)
040 400 48.125 45.75 47.375 6 54.125 ¾½ or ¾ 403
(1222) (1162) (1203) (152) (1375) (183)
*Canadian units include vent cap and reducer/increaser (if required).
Rear vent position shown. See Detail G for optional top vent position.
Dimensions in ( ) are in millimeters.