Table GD-1 — Minimum Clearances
Duct Propeller & Centrifugal
Furnace Fan U.H.
Sides 18” 18”
To p 6” 6”
Bottom 21”* 21”
Flue 6” 6”
*21” clearance is required for bottom access to
burners and pilot. If a side pull-out burner drawer is
ordered (duct furnace only), bottom clearance can be
reduced to six inches. Side clearance, however, must
be increased such that it is adequate for burner drawer
removal. Reference Tables DW-10 and DW-11.
Table GD-2 – Standard Unit Heater Approximate Distance of Throw at Nominal Airflow
Distance From
Floor to Bottom Unit Size – Input MBh – (kW)
of Unit “H” 30 45 60 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 350 400
ft./(m) (8.8) (13.2) (17.6) (22.0) (29.3) (36.6) (43.9) (51.2) (58.6) (65.9) (73.2) (87.8) (102.5) (117.1)
8 333333406065707580 85 90105110120
(2.4) (10.1) (10.1) (10.1) (12.2) (18.3) (19.8) (21.3) (22.9) (24.4) (25.9) (27.4) (32.0) (33.5) (36.6)
10 28 28 28 35 54 56 60 64 68 72 78 90 95 100
(3.0) (8.5) (8.5) (8.5) (10.7) (16.5) (17.1) (18.3) (19.5) (20.7) (21.9) (23.8) (27.4) (29.0) (30.5)
12 NR NR NR NR 44 46 49 57 61 65 68 80 84 90
(3.7) (13.4) (14.0) (14.9) (17.4) (18.6) (19.8) (20.7) (24.4) (25.6) (27.4)
15 NR NR NR NR NR NR 45 49 52 56 60 70 74 80
(4.6) (13.7) (14.9) (15.8) (17.1) (18.3) (21.3) (22.6) (24.4)
20 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 46 50 54 63 66 70
(6.1) (14.0) (15.2) (16.5) (19.2) (20.1) (21.3)
Standard Unit Heater Applications
30° Nozzle
NR = Not Recommended
1. All throw data figures are approximate.
2. NR = not recommended at these mounting heights.
3. Nozzles are not available on units below size 100 MBh.
4. Nozzles are available for High Efficiency units. Specify High Efficiency when ordering due to difference in nozzle
Table GD-3 – 30 Degree Nozzle – Approximate Distance of Throw at Nominal Airflow
Distance From
Floor to Bottom Unit Size – Input MBh – (kW)
of Unit “H” 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 350 400
ft./(m) (29.3) (36.6) (43.9) (51.2) (58.6) (65.9) (73.2) (87.8) (102.5) (117.1)
8 65707580859095115120125
(2.4) (19.8) (21.3) (22.9) (24.4) (25.9) (27.4) (29.0) (35.1) (36.6) (38.1)
10 57 60 64 68 72 78 86 99 105 110
(3.0) (17.4) (18.3) (19.5) (20.7) (21.9) (23.8) (26.2) (30.2) (32.0) (33.5)
12 50 54 57 60 64 70 77 88 94 100
(3.7) (15.2) (16.5) (17.4) (18.3) (19.5) (21.3) (23.5) (26.8) (28.7) (30.5)
15 NR 45 48 50 53 59 64 74 79 84
(4.6) (13.7) (14.6) (15.2) (16.2) (18.0) (19.5) (22.6) (24.1) (25.6)
20 NR NR NR 44 47 53 58 66 71 75
(6.1) (13.4) (14.3) (16.2) (17.7) (20.1) (21.6) (22.9)