Features and
The RTAA 70-125 offers the same high
reliability of its larger predecessor
coupled with lowered sound levels,
increased energy efficiency, and reduced
physical footprint, all due to its advanced
design, low speed/direct drive
compressor and proven Series R
Some of the major advantages of the
Model RTAA 70-125 vs its larger
predecessor are:
• Higher energy efficiency
• Lower sound levels
• Smaller physical footprint
The Series R
Model RTAA 70-125 is an
industrial grade design built for both the
industrial and commercial markets. It is
ideal for schools, hospitals, retailers,
office buildings, Internet service
providers and industrials.
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and RTAA 70-
125 World Class Energy Efficiency…
The importance of energy efficiency
cannot be understated. Fortunately,
ASHRAE has created a guideline
emphasizing its importance.
Nonetheless, energy is often dismissed
as an operational cost over which the
owner has little control. That perception
results in missed opportunities for
energy efficiency, reduced utility bills,
and higher profits. Lower utility bills
directly affect profitability. Every dollar
saved in energy goes directly to the
bottom line. Trane’s RTAA 70-125 is one
way to maximize your profits.
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 & Executive
- New technology applied to the
design, controls, and manufacturing
have created superior efficiency levels in
the RTAA 70-125 that are unmatched in
the industry. All Trane air-cooled chillers
meet the new efficiency levels mandated
by ASHRAE Standard 90.1. This new
standard requires higher efficiencies
than past technologies can deliver. The
US Federal Government has adopted
standard 90.1 and, in some cases,
requires even higher efficiencies.
Federal Executive Order mandates
energy consuming devices procured
must be in the top 25% of their class or
be at least 10% better than any product
standard for that product. In the case of
chillers, that product standard is
ASHRAE 90.1. Trane’s RTAA 70-125
meets and exceeds the efficiency
requirements of 90.1, with some units
meeting the “stretch goals” of Executive
The US Federal Government has
adopted ASHRAE 90.1, and it’s expected
to be adopted domestically, if not
globally, in the future. Domestic
acceptance has already begun. Make
sure that your chillers as well as your
entire HVAC system complies, or you
may be caught retrofitting your project
with new equipment and paying extra
design dollars if the code is adopted
during construction.
Precise Capacity Control.
patented unloading system allows the
compressor to modulate infinitely and
exactly match building loads. At the
same time chilled water temperatures
will be maintained within +/- 1/2ºF of
setpoint, potentially eliminating the need
for external considerations to maintain
temperatures. Reciprocating and screw
chillers with stepped capacity control do
well to maintain chilled water
temperatures within 2ºF of setpoint.
Stepped control also results in
overcooling or undercooling your space
because rarely does the capacity of the
machine match the building load. The
result can be 10% higher energy bills.
Trane’s RTAA optimizes the part load
performance of your machine for energy
efficiency, precise temperature control
for all modes of operation, and your
personal comfort regardless of changing