Features and
Superior Control
Unit Control Module
Trane’s Adaptive Control
microprocessor control system enhances
the air-cooled Series R
chiller by
providing the very latest chiller control
State-of-the-Art Equipment
The 70 to 125 ton air-cooled chillers offer
the exclusive Trane Adaptive Control
logic with the Clear Language Display
(UCM). The Clear Language Display has
various functions that allow the operator
to read unit information and adjust
setpoints. The Clear Language Display
panel has 16 keys, the readout screen is a
two-line, 40 character liquid crystal with a
backlight. The backlight allows the
operator to read the display in low-light
Unit Control Module Features
Equal Compressor Sequencing
Trane maximizes both compressor and
motor life by equalizing both the number
of starts and the operating hours. The
UCM will start the compressor with the
least number of starts and turn off the
compressor with the most operating
hours. Conventional “auto” lead-lag
control will equalize starts, but running
hours will typically be unequal.
Equalizing both starts and running hours
will provide equal compressor wear.
Internal “Built-In” Chiller Flow
The UCM automatically detects a no
waterflow condition. An external flow
switch is not required, which lowers
costs versus typical chillers. Built-in flow
protection also eliminates nuisance flow
switch problems.
Remote Clear Language Display Panel
for 70 to 125-ton air-cooled chillers.