Preparing the Remote Control for Use
With the Remote Control, you can eperate your TV. mesl VCR models, and cable FV converters together, even if they are
different brands. If you _il[ be using your TV _kith a Toshiba VCR, yeur Remote Control is already progranlnmd and ready 10
use. If you own different brands of \"CRs and/or converters, you first ha_c to progranl yotlr Remote Control.
(See "'Programming t]_c Remote Control" on page I I )
Installing the Remote Control batteries
1 Slide the battery cover off of file back offllC Remote Control.
Press and slide 1o remove.
\JJ ' n[_!
• /)iv_._c oIv.m haneri_,s iJ/a du_q_HiIl(,d
I[It/HI_411 Ill (*ll l)O ItOf lhl'oW IO!tl /IClII('l li'l Jlll¢l
• ])lJ IlIJ[ HILl ]lllI[(']'l" (l'rtJU_ 0t" _I)Itl/IHIU I/IU(I
/llIHCIll+q II1[1/ II('11 IH/_%
• Rt'lllOi'u II¢'dd hilllUlil's ]llllll(_llill!(_/t HI/_l'('t_'!tl
battery acid/i'om h'aklng into the ha/lel?"
I I)llll)_ll'llllell[.
• If'lint do not intet/d to II_e tile ielnote conllo]
[or a long time, re/nol'e the hallc,rie,_
2 hlstall tv, o "AA'" size batteries, Match the + and signs on the balterics to
the signs on the battery compallment.
3 Slide the battery cover back o11to the Remote Control until the lock
Tlli_ Rolllole C'o/lt!'ol 'S /II!IcliOlIS Ill_(I o1" Illl(I lie[
RclOr to the ouner'_ manua[_ _tq)plied I_ilh the
(,qltqm/e/lt Io _,<, i_hi(h /eanlrex are al'aihlble In
additiott, the orivinal contro/lelw may have
/l'unlre.v not al'ail_lhle on thiv Remote Conh'o!. I/
I'oll woll/d like to continue to uTe lhe_e [Oantres,
loll Hit(l' ItYl/l[ IO IISU the ol'igina! /'i'mote Co/lll'ol.