Limited United States Warranty
Toshiba America Consunlel Products, Inc ('TA('P') and roshiba 14await Inc ("TH r') make the lbllowing limited warranties These limited warranties extend
to tile orighlal consLimcr pLtrchaser or any person receiving this set as a gil_ I_'oln the original consLinler purchaser and to no other purchaser or transl_rcc
Limited One (1) Year Warranty
TA('P and Tltl warrant this pl oduct and its parts against dcibcts in materials or
_orknlanship Ibra pcriodofnne( I )year iil_ei lilt datcororiglnal retail purchase¸
I)uring lips period. TA(P and T] II x_ill repair or replace adeli'ctivc part. ;it thcii
option, with ;i nc_ or iclhrbished parL without charge to you TA('P, rHI
Aulhorized Service Sliltinl] personnel will conic In ynur hn!lle whell \_ arrlnlly
service is required Depending nn the type of repair rcqulred, the service will
tithe1 hc perl_lnlcd in your home or {he sel will bc taken to the TA(PiTHI
Atlt hol ized Service Station 1(11¸lepail and ielLII IItRIIO your home al nil coSl to ynLI
Limited Two (21 Year Warranty of Picture Tube
T&(P andllll I_nltller _allant the picture Itnhc in Ibis pludtncl against deicers
m malcdals or _ orkmanship Ibr a pm ted oI'I_ o (2 ) _cars after lhe date el'original
retail ptLrcha_;e Dtiling this peri(id, rA(P end TIll _\ill lepalr ill replace a
delecti_ c piclulc luhe. at Ihch oPhon. _iti/ a m'_t o1 reh. his]l_'d pictme mbc
_ {llll/til charge Io you, eXCelll that ifa d_ iecli\ c pitt LIICILIbCi', nephLccd at_ct unle
( I ) Teal Item the date of the odglnal retail ilmchase, you pay lahnr charges
in_nkcd in Ihe rcplacenlent.
Rental Units
The _\aH'anly Ibr rental units begins \_ith lhc lilst icnlal or thirP,' (30) da_,s h'onl
lhc dBle o f _,lllpii1L-ill to Iht_ relllal l_lln, \%hicIlc_\t21 comes I-ii.st
Commercial Units
Pl"oducts sold and used l_i" conml¢icial use ha\c a linlited ninety 19(1) day
warrani_ Ibr all parts, hihoi and picture tube
Owner's Manual and Demographic Card
\'{)tl sllouid i+¢ad Ihis o\\ IlL'r* S manual thorotlghl}+ bcl()l'e opelalillg this ploduct
_ou should cnmplclc and iniil tile enclosed l)cmographic card x_ithin tell days
al_er you, or Ihe pro'son _tho has gi\ ell _ou dlis product as a gill pLn'chascd this
product This is one way m enable r,\cP [HI to prmidc you _ith boner
CUSIOIIIgr Sel'\ ice atld impro\ed products. I-allure _o IdtUl'tl tht_ Delnllgl;ip}lic
card will 11olal't_ct youl rights undoi this _\arlanly
Your Responsibility
rhc ahme _ arl'anties are suhiecl to the lbllo_ mg c_ndilinns
(]) You must re\am your hill of sale nr pro_ ide othc= ptool ot'pulchasc
12} All _\atianty sen\icing el+this pnoduct nnust bc nnadc by anl :\uthoilzed
[ACP ['11[ Set\ice Station
(3) Ihcse _arraniics art' efl_cti_t, onl) if the i}rodud is lilLrdlase(I and
nperae'd in the [gS. \.or Puere) Ri,zn.
(4) label sc_icc chalges fbr set installation, sol up, at[iu_m_cnl or custnmm"
Lntltrol _,[llld im4allation or i _2pail t)_" tllt*21/lla _;gstenls [11_' tlol vo\ t'l t'd hy this
_ _l]'l'_ll_ly. RI_c_pP{_R pl'ohlelllb CaLIs_d 13y i]_ldettLlatt." _llllel]D_l _4"_'s[en_s are
yore lesponsibility
(5) Warranties extend only to detects in materials or _\orkmanship as limited
ib(lvg al]d do ilol {:xtond I0 _lny pl'oduc{ or pllrts \_hit'h h;l\e hecn lo_;t oi
discmded hy you o_ to damage to products or parts caused by m_suse,
accident, damage caused by' Acts of God, such as lightning nr l]uctLialions
m ¢lectlic poweh improper instalhltion, improper maintmlance el use in
{(lliltion oj" insh-ugtions tLil'nished by us_ or [o Llllil5 \\ hich ha'_c h_2en
modified or had the soda] numher remo\ed, ahered delaccd or rendered
How to Obtain Warranty Service
Ifaftel f'nllowing all oflhe opclating instructions in this nlanual and checking the
Scclion "BEFORE ('A tilN(i SERVICF PERSONN EL", you find that service
is needed:
(I) Call the TACP to!l fi-ee number 1-800-631-3811 after you find a dclEclivc
product or part to find the nearest TOSHIBA Authorized Service Station.
(2) Please present your bill nf sale o_ other proof to the Autholizcd Scrvlce
'*TA( P/TH[ Authorized Sm vice Station personnel will come to your home
\_ hen warranty service is required Depending on the type of repair required,
the service will either be perfbrmed in your home or lhe set will be taken lo
the TACP/THI Authorized Service Station for repair and returned to yore
honle at no cosl to you"
In the Continental United States contact:
In tla_ all contact:
Toshiba ItawaiL Inc. 327 Kamakee Street. Ih)nolulu, Hawaii
96814 (808) 521-5377
All warranties implied by state hlw, mchiding the implied \'<uTanlics o1"nlerchanlabilily and I]tness lor a paitictllal ptu pose, al e expressly limiled to tile duration
{fl'lhc llmilcd _arranhcs sei t_rlh abnvc Wilh the exception nfany warranties in]plied by state law as hereby limited, the foregoing warranty is exclusive and in
lieu el ¸ all nthei warranlics, gua_anlces, agreements and sinlilar obligations of manu_cturer or seller with respecl to the repair or replacmaaent el ¸any parts¸ In no
event shall TA(P or TIll bc liable 1_1¸conscqucnlial or illcidel_lal tlamagcs
NIl pel'SOll, agenl, distributor, dealer or company is authorized to challge, modi 1"3,el extend the lernls of these warranlles in any manner whatsoever The time t_ith in
which action musl be c_)il_l_leilced to enl_rcc any obligation of TA(P or Till arising under lhis warranty or under any statute, o1"hiw of the Untied States o1"any
slale tllcrc(ll\ is hereby limited It) c)0 days li'nln Ihe date you discover or shnLild have discovered, the dell:el. This limitation does not apply to implied \_ari'anties
arising undc_ state hlw.
]his _%till {inly gives yell speci tic leg;ll lights ;itld you hill} also ha_ c i)IhCl rights t_ Ilicll may vary li'tllll state to state. St)l]]e qtatcs do not alhlw /imilalion till he\\
IOllg arl illlplied Will rill]l y last',, i_ hen an [iclion lllil_ ¸ hc broLighl, or the cxclLisitlll or lilllitilt hill tll'illCitlclltill {it"conseq Ll_2nlial dalllilg_zs, sn the above plllvisions may
IlOl apply IO you
1_ I I. Ctl 1"_ III el', IJ&2 ICi.]Ltt2_tt2d IO 12OlllpIcle file _pt_Liill ( ilDadi_lll "'\\rallalll_ RcgistlilliOl! [ t_l-m" ellch),_ed iit]d _(ll\\iitd I}li_ co111pl_led i_lm
with a copy olbill olsalc to IOSII[IL\ el (ANADA to "Register and Validatc"lheir warran b
Prnducls i)urch_lsed in tile U.S.A. and uxe(I in ( ana(la are nnl covered hy theft, _arrantit's.
Products purchased in ( anada and u_cd in Ihe I].S.,t. are not _o_ered liy these warranties.
Rcv. 09-01-98