2. Expanded Functions
Inside the parameter (cont’d):
Status S20LP Ethernet
Abn 0: Normal complete
1: Error complete
Busy 0: Initial state
1: Transmission port busy
Status 0: Initial state
1: While send requesting
2: While waiting response
3: Complete
TermSTS H00: Normal complete
H01: Register designation error
H02: Response time-out
H03: Parameter error
H04: Register write protect
H05: (Reserve)
H06: Module error (send time-out)
H07: No send channel
H08: Invalid station No.
H09: Transfer size error
H0A: Boundary error
H0B: Transmission error Bit 7 indicates the error is occurred
H0C: I/O no answer error whether self-station or target-station.
H0D: IC card designation error 0: Self-station
H0E: (Reserve) 1: Target-station
H0F: (Reserve)
Transmission error
When TermSTS is H0B, the error information is stored. (0 for other cases)
For detailed information, refer to the S20LP or EN311 manual.
RW010 2 1 3 S20LP, channel 1, target station No. is 3
RW011 0
RW012 128 Transfer size: 128 words
RW013 3 Self-station RW register
RW014 100 Leading address: RW100
RW015 4 Target-station D register
RW016 1000 Leading address: D1000
RW017 10 Response time limit: 1 second
Send requesting
RW050 0 0 1 0 0
RW051 0