2. Expanded Functions
2.2 Expanded registers
The T3H has the same types of registers as the T3. However, the address ranges of
some registers are expanded in the T3H.
This section explains the expanded registers and the notes.
2.2.1 External I/O register
The T3H can handle up to 76 I/O modules. Accordingly, the T3H has 512 words of
external I/O register.
Function type Type
Address range Quantity Expression
Input register XW XW280
Output register YW 000 - 511 Total 512 words YW412
Direct input register IW IW280
Direct output register OW OW412
Input device X X280A
Output device Y 0000 - 511F Total 8192 points Y4128
Direct input device I I2809
Direct output device O O412C
Regarding the I/O allocation, the channel 1 of the IF321 is assigned to Unit 1 to 3,
and the channel 2 of the IF321 is assigned to Unit 4 to 6. The XW/YW registers are
assigned in the sequence of Unit 0 → 1 → ... → 6.
2.2.2 Auxiliary register
The T3H has 1000 words of auxiliary register.
Function type Type
Address range Quantity Expression
Auxiliary register RW 000 - 999 1000 words RW725
Auxiliary device R 000 - 999F 16000 points R725B
For details of functions of each register/device, refer to the T3 User’s