05_DocMonRef-Configure.fm Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
170 GL-1020 Operator’s Guide (Basic)
The configuration dialog box allows you to set startup options,
select notification events and method, view or modify refresh
rates, and manually update device discovery settings. For details,
Help to access online Help.
The Configuration window appears when you choose the
Configure option from the Document Monitor menu.
GL-DocMon Configuration dialog box with Startup tab selected
In addition to the Startup tab, this dialog box provides three
configuration tabs:
n Notification—controls which printing events cause a popup
message or beep. For more information, see Setting Up Event
Notification on page 175.
n Refresh Rates—controls how often the Document Monitor
searches for event notifications, printer status, and print
queue contents in order to update the information displayed.
Refresh rates are also known as polling rates. For more
information, see Setting the Refresh Rate
on page 176.
n Discovery—shows the network address associated with each
printer. This dialog box is primarily used for troubleshooting
purposes. If problems arise with the system, find your
printer’s address (indicated by a popup error message), and
contact your system administrator. For more information, see
Finding the Printer's Address
on page 177.
To access the functions, click the appropriate tab. To close the
dialog box without changing settings, click