05_PrintRef-DocProperties.fm Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
116 GL-1020 Operator’s Guide (Basic)
also provides access to collation and finishing options, and allows
you to define print profiles.
Sample Document Setup Properties page
Job Types
Job Type selects the way the controller handles a print job. You
can also press Alt + J to access job types.
Normal print—sends print jobs to the printer immediately. This job
type requires no special handling and is the most frequently used
Scheduled print—lets you specify the time and date to print a job.
The Setup page changes when you choose to schedule
printing for later. Clicking Edit opens the dialog box for
changing the date and time.
Date—shows the date based on the regional settings in your
operating system. The drop-down arrow opens a calendar
from which you can easily select a date. You can also press
Alt + D.
Time—provides a place to change the time. You can also press
Alt + T.
Job Type
Page Orientation
Print Profile