T:Counter [0~9999999/ 1]
8 581
These SPs count the total output broken down by color output,
regardless of the application used. In addition to being displayed in
the SMC Report, these counters are also displayed in the User
Tools display on the copy machine.
Note: These SPs are supported by color MFP and LP (Laser
Printer: Not use) machines only.
MFP Color
LP Color Replaced:
8 581 1 Total Yes Yes SP7003 001
8 581 2 Total: Full Color Yes Yes SP7003 020
8 581 3 B&W/Single Color Yes Yes SP7003 021
8 581 4 Development: CMY Yes Yes SP7003 010
8 581 5 Development: K Yes Yes SP7003 011
8 581 6 Copy: Color Yes No SP7003 026
8 581 7 Copy: B/W Yes No SP7003 027
8 581 8 Print: Color Yes Yes SP7003 028
8 581 9 Print: B/W Yes Yes SP7003 029
8 581 10 Total: Color Yes Yes SP7003 030
8 581 11 Total: B/W Yes Yes SP7003 023
C:Counter [0~9999999/ 1]
8 582
These SPs count the total output broken down by color output for
the Copy application only.
Note: These SPs are supported by color copy MFP machines only.
These counters are displayed in the SMC Report, and in the User
Tools display on the copy machine.
MFP Color Replaced:
8 582 1 B/W Yes SP7003 2
8 582 2 Single Color Yes SP7003 12
8 582 003 Two Color Yes SP7003 13
8 582 4 Full Color Yes SP7003 4
P:Counter [0~9999999/ 1]
8 584
These SPs count the total output broken down by color output for
the Print application only. These counters are displayed in the SMC
Report, and in the User Tools display on the copy machine.
Note: These SPs are supported by color MFP and LP (Laser
Printer: Not use) machines only.
MFP Color
LP Color Replaced:
8 584 1 B/W Yes Yes SP7003 7
8 584 2 Single Color Yes Yes ---
8 584 3 Full Color Yes Yes SP7003 8