August, 2006 Machine Configuration
No. Component Function
Performs: 1) Engine sequence control (all
sensors, motors, fusing temperature monitoring
circuits), 2) Scanning control, 3) Exposure control,
3) Image processing control, 4) GW controller I/F,
5) Peripheral timing control
LD 1 (2/2) Laser Diode 1, 2nd of a pair, 1 of 8. PCB23
LD 1 (1/2) Laser Diode 1, 1st of a pair, 1 of 8.
LD 2 (2/2) Laser Diode 2, 2nd of a pair, 1 of 8. PCB24
LD 2 (1/2) Laser Diode 2, 1st of a pair, 1 of 8.
LD 3 (2/2) Laser Diode 3, 2nd of a pair, 1 of 8. PCB25
LD 3 (1/2) Laser Diode 3, 1st of a pair, 1 of 8.
LD 4 (2/2) Laser Diode 4, 2nd of a pair, 1 of 8. PCB26
LD 4 (1/2) Laser Diode 4, 1st of a pair, 1 of 8.
PCB27 LSDB - K Front
Front Laser Synchronization Detector Board for
Laser Diode 4.
PCB28 LSDB - M Front
Front Laser Synchronization Detector Board for
Laser Diode 3.
PCB29 LSDB - C Front
Front Laser Synchronization Detector Board for
Laser Diode 2.
PCB30 LSDB - Y Front
Front Laser Synchronization Detector Board for
Laser Diode 1.
PCB31 LSDB - Y Rear
Rear Laser Synchronization Detector Board for
Laser Diode 1.
PCB32 LSDB - C Rear
Rear Laser Synchronization Detector Board for
Laser Diode 2.
PCB33 LSDB - M Rear
Rear Laser Synchronization Detector Board for
Laser Diode 3.
PCB34 LSDB - K Rear
Rear Laser Synchronization Detector Board for
Laser Diode 4.
PCB35 Controller Board
Incorporates the GW architecture, and connects
to the BICU and PCI I/F. All the options for the
printer are controlled by this board.
PCB36 Mother Board Interfaces the controller and the BICU.
PCB37 RAPI EXT Board Interface the copy connector and EFI controller.
PCB38 OPU (Operation Panel Unit) Controls the operation panel.
PCB39 PI Board Interfaces the IPU and RDS.