Keys :
Your car comes with two identical keys.
With this key, you can operate 1.Door Locks
2.Steering Lock cum ignition switch
3.Tail gate Lock 4. Glove box
It is advisable to keep one of the keys in a safe place for use in
case of an emergency.
Do not use a locally made key, but obtain a duplicate through
your Tata Motors dealer.
Do not leave the key inside the car.
Door Locks :
The front doors can be locked and unlocked from outside with the
key or from inside using the door lock lever. In your car, the driver's
door & co-driver's door have separate locking facilities. To lock from
inside turn the lever towards the inner hinged handle.
Where the central locking system is provided, if you lock/unlock
the driver door with the key, the remaining three doors get locked/
unlocked at a time. The tail gate door is not a part of the central
locking provision.
To open the door from outside use the swing handle. After unlocking
the door with the key, pull the swing handle upward. The swing
handles are provided on each door.
To open the door from inside pull the hinged handle outward.
Outside swing handle
To open
Inside door handle
To open
Hinged handle
Locking /
Lock Unlock