Your car’s LPG system is protected against short circuit /
overload by a fuse (15 A) fitted in the fuse box that is located
behind the dash board on the right hand side.
To replace a blown fuse :
1. Open fuse box cover.
2. Identify blown fuse from its melted wire.
3. Remove the blown fuse & replace with one of similar
(For location of the fuse refer next page)
Take your car to a TATA Authorised service centre to find
out the reason for the fuse to blow & repair the problem.
fuse replacment should prefrebly be done only at TATA
Authorised service centre
When the fuse blows OFF, the following may occur
• All LEDs on the switch will go OFF.
• If your car is running in LPG mode when fuse blows
OFF, the LPG system will shut down and will automatically
shift to Petrol mode.
• In such a case, you can start the car only in Petrol
• If your car is running in Petrol mode when fuse blows
OFF it will keep running in the Petrol mode
MAINTENANCE & CAR CARE Fuse & It’s Location
Always replace blown fuse with a fuse of correct
amperage.Never use a substitute like aliminum coil or
wire to replace a blown fuse.When you replace a fuse
and the new fuse also blows OFF instantly, have the car
inspected at a TATA authorised service centre.