Street name preferences
This button may only be available if all menu options are shown. To show all
menu options, tap Show ALL menu options in the Preferences menu.
Set units
This button may only be available if all menu options are shown. To show all
menu options, tap Show ALL menu options in the Preferences menu.
Operate left-handed / Operate right-handed
This button may only be available if all menu options are shown. To show all
menu options, tap Show ALL menu options in the Preferences menu.
Street name
Tap this button to set the information that is shown on the map in the
Driving View. The following options are available:
• Show house number before street name
• Show street names - if you are using a computer voice for spoken
instructions and have selected that street names should be read aloud,
you do not need to select this option, since the street names will be read
aloud even though this option is not selected.
• Show next street name
• Show current street name on map
• Show next freeway / signpost - if available, the road sign to follow or
the name of the next major road on your route is shown at the top of the
screen in the Driving View.
Set units
Tap this button to set the type of units that will be shown for the following:
• Latitude and longitude
• Temperature
• Air pressure
Operate left-
Tap this button to move important buttons, for example, the Done and
Cancel buttons as well as the zoom bar, to the left hand side of the screen.
This makes it easier to tap the buttons with your left hand without blocking
the screen.
To move the buttons back to the right hand side of the screen, tap Operate