Voice recognition5.
Voice recognition
Instead of tapping the screen to control your TomTom GO, you can now give
instructions to your GO using your voice.
For example, to increase the volume on your GO, you can say, "Increase
Important: To use voice recognition, you must have a computer voice
installed on your TomTom GO. If you don’t have a computer voice installed,
use TomTom HOME to install one.
To view the list of available commands, tap Voice Control preferences in the
Preferences menu and then tap What can I say?
You can also look at the voice recognition reference card in your box.
Using voice recognition
Note: You must select a computer voice in order to use voice recognition. To
select a computer voice, tap Change preferences in the Main menu. Then tap
Voice preferences and Change voice. Select a computer voice.
In this example, you will use voice recognition to plan a journey to your Home
1. Tap the voice recognition button in the Driving View.
Note: To add or remove this button from the Driving View, tap Voice control
preferences in the Preferences menu and then tap Enable voice control or
Disable voice control.
The voice recognition monitor is shown in color, unless voice recognition is
busy with another task.
2. When you hear a beep, say, "Navigate to Home."
When you speak, the voice recognition monitor shows if you are talking too
loudly or quietly:
A green bar means your voice is at the right level for your GO
to hear your commands.