• Symbols shown in a red rectangle are weather related, because of their
nature, you cannot use Traffic to avoid them.
Traffic incident symbols and their meaning are shown below:
Weather related symbols and their meaning are shown below:
Traffic menu
Either, tap the Traffic sidebar in the Driving View or tap TomTom Traffic in the
Main Menu to open the Traffic menu. The following buttons are available:
Accident Road closed
Road works Traffic incident
One or more lanes
Traffic jam
Fog Ice
Rain Snow
Note: The incident avoided symbol is shown for any traffic incident that
you avoid using TomTom Traffic.
traffic delays
Tap this button to re-plan your route based on the latest traffic
Show traffic on
Tap this button to see an overview of all traffic incidents on your route.
You can use the left and right buttons on the resulting screen to see more
detailed information about each of these incidents.
Show home-
work traffic
Tap this button to calculate and show the quickest route from your home
location to your place of work and back.
See Making commuting to work easier (76).