Sounds and voices7.
Sounds and voices
The sound on your TomTom GO is used for features such as:
• Spoken instructions
• Hands-free calls
• Warnings
For information on making hands-free calls on your GO, see Hands-free
calling (46).
For information on playing music on your GO, see Music and Media (26)
How do I change the volume level?
You can change the volume in three ways:
• Tap the bottom left hand area of the Driving View. The last spoken
instruction is repeated and the volume level is shown.
Move the volume slider to adjust the volume.
• In the Main Menu, tap Change preferences, then tap Volume preferences.
Tap Test to check your changes.
• You can set your GO to change the volume automatically depending on
how noisy it is in the car.
Changing the volume automatically
Your TomTom GO can change the volume automatically.
1. In the Main Menu, tap Change preferences.
2. Tap Volume preferences.
3. Select Link volume to noise level.
4. Tap Done.