Keyboard preferences
Set clock
Battery saving preferences
Reset factory settings
You use the keyboard to enter your destination or to find an item in a list,
such as a POI.
Tap this button to select the size of the keys on the keyboard and the key-
board layout. You can select from two sizes:
• Large keyboard
• Small keyboard
Several keyboard layouts are available:
• ABCD keyboard
• QWERTY keyboard
• AZERTY keyboard
• QWERTY keyboard
Set clock
Tap this button to select the time format and to set the time.
The easiest way to set the time is by tapping the Sync button. Your XXL will
then take the time from GPS information.
Note: You can only use Sync if you have GPS reception, so you cannot set
the clock in this way when you are indoors.
After using Sync to set the time, you may have to adjust the hours depend-
ing on your time zone. Your XXL works out your time zone and always
keeps the time correct using GPS information.
Battery saving
Tap this button to configure your XXL to conserve power when possible.
The following options are available:
• Never dim screen
• Dim screen between instructions
Then select whether or not the Device stays on when external power is
Reset factory
Tap this button to restore the factory settings to your TomTom XXL.
All your settings, including Favorites, your Home location, warnings for
POIs and any Itineraries you have created are deleted.