TomTom Map Share
TomTom Map Share
With TomTom Map Share, you can correct errors on your map and share
those corrections with other people in the TomTom Map Share community,
as well as receiving corrections made by others.
Note: TomTom Map Share is not available in all regions. For more informa-
tion, go to tomtom.com/mapshare.
Map corrections
There are two types of map corrections:
• Corrections that are immediately shown on the map. These include, chang-
ing the traffic flow of a street, blocking or renaming a street and adding or
editing POIs.
This type of change is immediately shown on your own map. You can hide
these corrections at any time in the Map Share preferences menu.
• Corrections that are reported to TomTom but not shown immediately on
your map. These include, missing streets, errors in freeway entrances and
exits and missing rotaries.
This type of correction is investigated by TomTom and once verified, is
included in the next map release. These corrections are therefore not shared
with the Map Share community.
Making a map correction
Important: For safety reasons, you should only mark a location when you are
driving. Do not enter the full details of an error while you are driving.
Correct a map
1. Tap Map corrections in the Main Menu.
2. Tap Correct a map error.
A list of possible map corrections is shown.
3. Select the type of correction you want to report.
Note: If you tap Add missing POI or Report other error you will be asked for
some additional information before the next step.
4. Select the method you want to use for selecting the location of the cor-
5. When you have found the location, tap Done.
6. Enter correction or confirmation of correction now.