Tap Advanced to show or hide the following information:
Markers - select this option to enable markers. Markers point to your current location (blue),
your home location (yellow) and your destination (red). The marker shows the distance to the
Tap a marker to center the map on the location the marker is pointing to.
To create your own marker, tap the cursor button. Then tap Set marker position to place a
green marker at the cursor position.
To disable markers, tap Options, then tap Advanced and deselect Markers.
Coordinates - select this option to show GPS coordinates in the lower left corner of the map.
Cursor menu
The cursor can be used to do more than highlight a location on the map.
Position the cursor on a location on the map, then tap Cursor and then tap one of the following
Tap this button to plan a route to the cursor position on the map.
Tap this button to view information about the location on the map such
as the address.
Tap this button to create your own green marker and place it at the cur-
sor position.
If a green marker exists, this button changes to Delete marker.
Tap this button to find a POI near the cursor position on the map.
For example, if the cursor currently highlights a restaurant location on
the map, you can search for a nearby parking garage.
Tap this button to make a map correction for the cursor position on the
You can make the correction only on your own map or you can share the
correction with the TomTom Map Share community.