Tip: The alternative route disappears when it is no longer faster than your original route or it is
too late for you to choose it.
To change how you are asked about alternative routes, tap Settings and then Route planning. Tap
Next until you reach Replanning settings.
Selecting a route type
Every time you plan a route, you can choose to be asked about the type of route you want to plan.
To do this, tap Settings followed by Route planning, then Route types. Tap Ask me every time I
If you are using a TomTom camper and caravan product, to choose the type of route you have to
set your vehicle type to Car. Tap Settings followed by Vehicle and routes, then Vehicle and route
types. Select Car as your vehicle type, then tap Ask me every time I plan.
Note: You can only choose to be asked about the type of route when you select a car as your
The types of route you can choose from are as follows:
Fastest route - the route which takes the least time.
Eco route - the most fuel-efficient route for your trip.
Shortest route - the shortest distance between the locations you set. This may not be the
quickest route, especially if the shortest route is through a town or city.
Walking route - a route designed for making the trip on foot.
Bicycle route - a route designed for making the trip on a bicycle.
Tap Next. If you selected Fastest route, you have to choose if you want to always avoid motor-