4A: Important Safety Information 133
out the phone with yourhearing device is the best way to
evaluate it foryourpersonal needs.
M-Ratings: Phones rated M3 orM4 meet FCC requirements for
hearing aid compatibility and are likely to generate less
interference to hearing devices than unrated phones. (M4 is the
better/higherof the two ratings.)
T-Ratings:Phones rated T3 orT4 meet FCC requirements and
are likely to be more usable with a hearing device’s telecoil (“T
Switch”or“Telephone Switch”) than unrated phones. (T4 is the
better/higherof the two ratings. Note that not all hearing devices
have telecoils in them.)
Hearing aid devices may also be measured forimmunity to
interference noise from wireless phones and should have
ratings similarto phones. Ask yourhearing healthcare
professional forthe rating of yourhearing aid. Add the rating of
yourhearing aid and yourphone to determine probable
Any combined rating equal to orgreaterthan six offers
excellent use.
Anycombined rating equal to five is considered normal use.
Any combined rating equal to fouris considered usable.
Thus, if you pairan M3 hearing aid with an M3 phone, you will
have acombined rating of six for“excellent use.”This is
synonymous forTratings.
Sprint furthersuggests you experiment with multiple phones
(even those not labeled M3/T3 orM4/T4)while in the store to
find the one that works best with yourhearing aid device. Should
you experience interference orfind the quality of service
unsatisfactory afterpurchasing yourphone, promptly return it to
the store within 30 days of purchase. With the Sprint 30-day
Risk-Free Guarantee, you may return the phone within 30 days
of purchase fora full refund. More information about hearing aid
compatibility may be found at:
Getting the Best Hearing Device
Experience With Your Phone
To further minimize interference:
Set the phone’s display and keyboard backlight settings to
ensure the minimum time interval:
1. Press >Settings > Display > Main Screen >
> Settings > Display > Keypad Light.
2. Highlight the minimum time interval setting and press .
Position the phone so the internal antenna is farthest from
yourhearing aid.
Move the phone around to find the point with least
Important SafetyInformation