Rotate the dial to adjust the upper thread tension
The basic thread tension setting is “4”
To increase the tension, turn the dial to the next number up.
To reduce the tension, turn the dial to the next number down.
The tension requires adjustment depending on:
- stiness and thickness of the fabric
- number of fabric layers
- type of stitch
The opposite diagram shows the eects of dierent thread tension settings:
A. Normal thread tension: The ideal straight stitch has threads locked evenly
between two layers of fabric, as iIIustrated.
B. Upper thread tension too loose: If the needle thread shows through on the
wrong side (bottom side) of the fabric, turn the dial to a higher number to
tighten the needle thread tension.
C. Upper thread tension too tight: If the bobbin thread shows through on the
right side (top side) of the fabric, turn the dial to a lower number to loosen the
needle thread tension.
Page 12
Balanced (Normal) Tension
3: Needle thread (Top thread)
4: Bobbin thread (Bottom thread)
5: Right side (Top side) of fabric
6: Wrong side (Bottom side) of fabric