Teledyne API Model 200AH NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2
Table 6-3: Action of MODE Field in AutoCal
ZERO Zero calibrates LO or HI (depending
IND ranges.
Zero checks LO or HI (depending on
ZERO-LO Zero and low span calibrates LO,
SINGLE or IND ranges.
Zero and low span checks LO, SINGLE
or IND ranges.
ZERO-HI Zero cals & span cals HI, SINGLE or
IND range with HI span gas.
Zero checks & span checks on HI,
SINGLE or IND range with HI span
ZERO-LO-HI Zero cals, span cals LO and HI range.
LO span gas for LO range, HI span
gas for HI range.
Zero cals & span cals in SINGLE or
IND range using HI span gas. LO
span is cal check only.
Zero checks, span checks both ranges.
LO span gas for LO range, HI span gas
for HI range. Does 3 point check in
SINGLE or IND range modes.
LO-HI Span cals LO range with LO span gas,
Span cals HI range with HI span gas
in AutoRange mode. Span cals
SINGLE or IND range with HI span
gas. LO span is cal check only.
Span checks LO range with LO span
gas, Span checks HI range with HI span
gas. Does 2 point check in SINGLE or
IND range mode.
LO Span cals LO range with LO span gas.
Span cals SINGLE or IND range with
LO span gas.
Span checks LO range with LO span
gas. Span checks SINGLE or IND range
with LO span gas.
HI Span cals on HI range with HI span
gas. Span cals SINGLE or IND range
with HI span gas.
Span checks on HI range with HI span
gas. Span checks SINGLE or IND range
with HI span gas.
6.3. Oxygen Sensor Option
The Model 200AH can be equipped with an optional paramagnetic oxygen sensor that is capable
of measuring full scale ranges from 5% to 100%. The option consists of the paramagnetic sensor
module, an interface electronics board, a flow control orifice that generates a flow of about
80 cc/min through the sensor, and a temperature controlled oven that maintains the sensor and
flow control orifice at 50C.
Note that an Oxygen Sensor cannot be included in an instrument that also includes the Zero/Span
Valves option.