Teledyne API Model 200AH NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 06492, Rev. G2
5.4. M200AH Operating Modes
The M200AH has two main operating modes. The instrument is normally in SAMPLE mode
when it is taking data or doing a calibration. The second main mode is the SETUP mode. In this
mode the many features of the instrument can be altered, enabled or disabled. Within these two
main modes there are many other operating modes which are shown in Table 5-7. The mode the
instrument is operating in is shown in the upper left of the front panel display.
Table 5-7: M200AH Operating Modes
Mode Description
ZERO CAL D Automatic dynamic zero calibration
ZERO CAL A Automatic zero calibration
ZERO CAL R Remote zero calibration
ZERO CAL M Manual zero calibration
SPAN CAL D Automatic dynamic span calibration
SPAN CAL A Automatic span calibration
SPAN CAL R Remote span calibration
SPAN CAL M Manual span calibration
M-P CAL Manual multi-point calibration
DIAG ELEC Electrical diagnostic test
DIAG OPTIC Optical diagnostic test
DIAG OZONE Ozone generator diagnostic test
DIAG AOUT D/A output diagnostic test
DIAG Main diagnostic menu
DIAG I/O Signal I/O diagnostic
DIAG RS232 RS232 output diagnostic
SETUP x.x Setup mode (X.X is software version)
SAMPLE ZS Sampling; automatic dynamic zero and span calibration enabled
SAMPLE Z Sampling; automatic dynamic zero calibration enabled
SAMPLE S Sampling; automatic dynamic span calibration enabled
SAMPLE A Sampling; automatic cal. Enabled
SAMPLE Sampling; automatic cal. Disabled
5.4.1. NO/NO
Switching Mode