IEEE 488.2 Common Commands
TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
*STB? (Query Only)
Returns the contents of the Status Byte Register as a decimal sum of all set
events. You can get a chronological list of events from the Status Queue using
the SYSTem:ERRor? query. Table 2–7 describes the bit assignments in the
Status Byte Register. For a complete description of the status and events
reporting system, see the TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers User
Table 2–7: The Status Byte Register
0–1 – Not used.
2 4 Error/Event Queue not empty indicates that the error/event queue
contains information and is waiting to be read.
3 8 Questionable Event Status indicates that the quality of result data
or of an operation is questionable.
4 16 Message Available (MAV) shows that data is available in the
Output Queue.
5 32 Event Status Bit indicates that one or more events have occurred
in the Standard Event Status Register.
6 64 Master Summary Status (MSS) is a summary bit that indicates
other bits in the Status Byte Register are set.
7 (MSB) 128 Operation Event Register indicates that the waveform analyzer is
busy performing a normal operation such as acquiring a waveform.
<event> Query response
Not applicable <NR1>
Not applicable
Reading this register does not clear it.
Query: *STB?
Reset Value
Errors and Events