SWEep Subsystem
TVS600 & TVS600A Command Reference
Sets or queries the location of the offset reference point in a waveform record.
When :OFFSet:TIME and :OFFSet:POINts are at zero, the reference point and
trigger point are at the same data point. For example, if you set :OREFer-
ence:LOCation to 0.5 (or 50%) and :OFFSet:TIME to zero, then the reference
point is at the middle of the waveform record as is the trigger point. Therefore,
half of the acquired data points are acquired before the trigger point and the
remainder occur after the trigger point.
An offset reference value of 0.0 selects the first point of the record; a value of 0.5
selects the mid point; and a value of 1.0 selects the last point. All concurrent
acquisitions have the same offset reference point.
You can use either of the commands SWEep:OFFSet:TIME or SWEep:OFF-
Set:POINts to position the waveform record relative to the trigger point. To
configure an acquisition in terms of percent of pre-trigger data points, set
SWEep:OFFSet:TIME to 0.0 and then set SWEep:OREFerence:LOCation to the
desired value (for example, 0.5 for 50% pre-trigger points). To configure an
acquisition in terms of time (or points) relative to the trigger point, set
SWEep:OREFerence:LOCation to 0.0 and then set SWEep:OFFSet:TIME (or
SWEep:OFFSet:POINts) to position the record. By using :OFFSet in this way,
you can acquire all data points before the trigger or all data points after the
trigger point.
For more information, refer to the TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform
Analyzers User Manual.
[SENSe:]SWEep:OREFerence:LOCation <oref_location>
Query response
No Units:
0.0 ≤ N ≤ 1.0
Units of Percent (PCT):
0 ≤ N ≤ 100
MINimum ( 0 PCT)
MAXimum (100 PCT)
The default has no units. However, you can set the reference location as a
percentage by including the unit multiplier PCT as in 50 PCT.