MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator Service Manual
Repackaging Instructions
If you ship the MPEG generator, pack it in the original shipping carton and
packing material. If the original packing material is not available, package the
instrument as follows:
1. Obtain a corrugated cardboard shipping carton with inside dimensions at
least 15 cm (6 inches) taller, wider, and deeper than the instrument. The
shipping carton must be constructed of cardboard with 170 kg (375 pound)
test strength.
2. If you are shipping the instrument to a Tektronix field office for repair, attach
a tag to the instrument showing the instrument owner and address, the name
of the person to contact about the instrument, the instrument type, and the
serial number.
3. Wrap the instrument with polyethylene sheeting or equivalent material to
protect the finish.
4. Cushion the instrument in the shipping carton by tightly packing dunnage or
urethane foam on all sides between the carton and the MPEG generator.
Allow 7.5 cm (3 in) on all sides, top, and bottom.
5. Seal the shipping carton with shipping tape or an industrial stapler.
NOTE. Do not ship the instrument with a diskette inside the floppy disk drive.
When the diskette is inside the drive, the disk release button sticks out. This
makes the button more prone to damage than otherwise.
Installed Options
Your instrument may be equipped with one or more instrument options. Except
for the line-cord options described by Table 2-2 on page 2-2, all options and
optional accessories are listed and described in Section 7, Options. For further
information and prices of instrument options, see your Tektronix Products
catalog or contact your Tektronix Field Office.