Replacing the Hard Disk Drive(s)
MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator Service Manual
After you have installed the system hard disk drive properly, perform the
following procedure to format the data hard disks:
1. Select Service... from the Utility pull-down menu of the MPEG generator.
This will open the Enter Password: dialog box.
2. In this dialog box, enter “3341344803”, and then press the OK bezel button.
This will open the Service dialog box.
3. Press the TS Drive... bezel button, and then press the Quick Format bezel
button to format the disk drive. This will open the confirmation dialog box.
Press the OK bezel button to execute the operation.
During the operation, the message “Executing... xx %” will appear.
4. Press the Previous bezel button, and then press the Exit bezel button to exit
the Service menu.
Perform the following procedure to reinstall the factory-supplied files (test40.trp,
test64.trp, sample1.trp, sample2.trp, and insert.eit) on the data hard disks.
1. Insert the Maintenance CD-R (Tektronix part no. 063-3347-XX) into the
CD-ROM drive on the PC.
2. Using the file transfer command (PC to MTG...) of the MTG Comm
application, download the following four files to /main/usr/ts directory in
the MPEG generator:
H test40.trp
H test64.trp
H sample1.trp
H sample2.trp
3. Using the file transfer command (PC to MTG...) of the MTG Comm
application, download the following one file to /main/usr/insert directory in
the MPEG generator:
H insert.eit
Formatting the Data Hard
Reinstalling the
FactoryĆsupplied Files