Operating Basics
2-18 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Locating Files
There are three locations for storing waveform data on the AWG710&AWG710B
Arbitrary Waveform Generator. Data can be stored on the instrument hard disk
drive, the instrument floppy disk drive, or a remote storage device accessible
through the Ethernet interface. If the file you want to load is not on the current
drive, use the EDIT menu main screen Drive and Directory bottom menu buttons
to open side menus that let you change the current drive location. Table 2-5
describes the Drive and Directory bottom buttons.
Table 2-5: Drive and Directory menus
Side menu Description
Drive Main
Changes the instrument current drive. To select a drive, push
the appropriate side menu button. Note that there must be a
floppy disk inserted in the instrument floppy disk drive to select
the floppy drive.
Note that the label Net1, Net2 and Net3 vary depending on the
net name settings in the UTILITY menu.
Directory Up Level
Down Level
Make Directory
Moves up a directory level.
Moves down a directory level. To move down a directory level,
select a directory name in the pop–up list, and then push the
Down Level side button. The filename list changes to show the
contents of the directory.
Creates a directory at the current level. To create a directory,
push the Make Directory side button to display the Input New
Directory Name dialog box. Enter the directory name in the
name field, then push the OK side button. The instrument
creates the new directory.
Creates a new file (.tar format) for archive from selected
directory. The archived file keeps hierarchic structure.
Restore the archived file (.tar) to the current directory.
NOTE. In the following procedures, you may have to push the EDIT button twice
to quit the editor. When the instrument does not display the file list, push the EDIT
button again. Refer to Saving Files on page 2-21.