The Sequence Editor
3-122 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Sequence Table Fields
Indicates the line number of each row of the sequence table. The instrument
automatically assigns line numbers as well as updates line numbers after editing the
sequence table.
CH 1
Specify the names of the waveform files that are output to the CH1 cells. You can
mix and match .WFM, .SEQ, and .PAT files on a single sequence line.
To specify each file name, select it from the displayed file listing. You must not use
a drive or directory name. All waveform files and the sequence file must be under
the same directory.
You can also specify a sequence file.
Do the following steps to enter a waveform, pattern, or sequence file name:
1. Move the cursor to CH1.
2. Push Data Entry (bottom)!Enter Filename... (side).
3. The Select File dialog box appears.
From the file listing, select the file to output.
4. Push the OK side button.
The instrument inserts the file name into the sequence table.
To delete a specified waveform file, move the cursor to the desired file. Then push
Data Entry (bottom)!Clear Filename... (side).
Repeat Count
Specify the number of repeats used to cause repetitive output of a waveform on a
line. This value may be 1 to 65536. In addition, Infinity may also be specified.
When infinity is specified, control will no longer advance. Thus, it should usually
be used together with Logic Jump or Table Jump. Do the following steps to enter
a repeat count:
Do the following steps to set the repeat count value:
1. Move the cursor to the Repeat Count column.
2. Push Data Entry (bottom)!Repeat Count... (side).
3. Specify a repeat count value using the general purpose or numeric keys.
Do the following steps if you specify Infinity.
NOTE. Remember that you can only nest sequence files one level. Also, the
sequence table cannot call itself as a subsequence.