Polarisation plane:
In order to better utilise the available frequency range, satellites will transmit neighbouring
programmes with opposite polarisation (horizontal and vertical, or dextro-rotatory and laevo-
rotatory). In order to receive both polarisation planes, either two single LNBs or one V/H LNB
are required.
Receiver: see Satellite receiver
Description of a satellite usually includes its name as well as its orbital position.
ASTRA 19° East
Satellite Receiver:
The signals received and modulated by the LNB cannot be processed by the TV set. The
receiver alters the frequency of these signals so that usable audio and video signals (AV) are
generated at its outputs, which are transmitted to the TV set.
Type of connector used in conjunction with TV sets, video players, satellite receivers and
other electronic equipment in order to transmit audio and video signals (AV).
Software update:
Digital television is a new medium, which offers improved sound and image quality as well as
the facility to utilise interactive services. These new services are constantly being developed
and improved by providers. In order to use these services optimally, it may be necessary to
update the software of your receiver occasionally.
Piece of equipment in the satellite that processes one or more programmes, including recei-
ving the data from the ground station, amplification, retransmission of data back to earth.
Universal LNB:
Name given to a three-band LNB. It is able to receive the following ranges: FFS (10.70-11.70
GHz), BBS (11.70-12.50 GHz) and FFS High Band (12.50-12.75 GHz). This whole range is
usually divided into two bands:
Low Band: 10.70 - 11.80 GHz; LOF 9750 MHz
High Band: 11.70 - 12.75 GHz; LOF 10600 MHz
Form of digital encryption (scrambling)
9 Technical Data
Input frequency range 950….2150 MHz
Input level range -65 dBm… -25dBm
Noise max 12 dB
DBS tuner input F-connector
Input impedance 75 Ohm
AFC capture range +/- 3 MHz
Demodulation Shaped QPSK
Symbol rate 2….45 Mbaud/s, SCPC/MCPC compatible
FEC Viterbi and Reed-Solomon
Viterbi rates 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 and automatic adjustment
Roll-off factor 35 %
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